Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Title: SharePoint SQL ETL Extract SSIS Package:

Version: 1.0.1018.01.00 - Toraj Khavari – October 18, 2017

Objective: The following process outlines how to develop SharePoint SQL ETL Extract SSIS Package.

Article Body: I faced a business requirement to have lists maintained by data stewards with the following requirements.
-        Easy to use and secure.
-        The lists are outside Data Bases (Prefer Corporate SharePoint).
-        The lists must be available in the corporate Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) as dimensions for SQL Cubes and Business Inelegance (BI) reporting.
-        The EDW dimensions must be updated nightly.
-        Do not use Microsoft Access.
-        Do not use custom application.
-        Do not use Master Data Services (MDS). It proved to be difficult to maintain and use.

In this article, the readers should be knowledgeable about Microsoft Visual Studio (VS), SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), Adjacency List, SharePoint List, SharePoint Security, SQL Security, Identify Management System (IDM), Active Directory (AD), RESTful Web Services, OData, EDW, BI, and SQL Job.

<Side> There are a lot of technologies to bring together for SharePoint SQL ETL Extract SSIS Package solution architecture. It is worth it! Powerful.

This article will focus on an A-dec customer hierarchy adjacency SharePoint list using corporate standard SharePoint Security (in our case IDM empowerID and AD). The list contains customer hierarchy. It is used in reports for customer information rollup and maintained by very specific data stewards.

The solution has multiple steps.
1-     Setup
2-     SSIS Package Development
3-     SSIS Package deployment and SQL job setup (refer to one of my other article). Out of scope of this article.

1.     Setup
1.1.  Create a service ID and password. Have the Service ID be a member of the SharePoint and SQL group with appropriate roles to read and write between source (SharePoint) and destination (SQL).
1.2.  Down load the 32 bits version of additional SSIS tools needed.
SQL Server 2014 -

If the SQL Server uses 64 bits, installed the 32Bit OData Source (ODataSourceForSQLServer2012-x86) run the package from visual studio. Once released on the SSIS server, the 64Bit run-time is required 64 (ODataSourceForSQLServer2012-amd64).

1.3.  Identify the SharePoint list URL. In my case as follows.
https://<Corporate Team Site>/sites/adecbi/Lists/Sales%20Hierarchy
1.4.  Validate the Corporate SharePoint is RESTFull enabled. Add “_vti_bin/listdata.svc” to the SharePoint base URL in your favorite internet explorer. Example as follows.
https://<Corporate Team Site>/sites/adecbi/_vti_bin/listdata.svc
A SOAP xml outlines all the components available for Web Services interfaces.

<Side> I validated that Microsoft SharePoint 2010, 2013, and above supports RESTful OData Web Services.

2.     SSIS Package Development
2.1.  I) Add a new SSIS Project to your solution in VS. II) Add a Data Flow Task to the project Control Flow.
2.2.  Open Data Flow for the added Data Flow Task. Click and drag the new OData Source to the Data Flow design tab.
2.3.  Open the OData Source. I) Select New, II) Enter the “Service document location” (list URL), III) Select “Use this user name and password”. Enter the service IDs authentication information (from step 1.1.), IV) select “Test Connection” and select “OK”.

2.4.  I) Select “Collection” for “Use collection or resource path:”, II) Select the SharePoint List name, in my case “CustomerHierarchy”.

2.5.  At this point, when selecting the “Preview…” button and “Columns” tabs, there are enough information to add a SSIS DB Destination, SQL Connection Manager and persist the SharePoint data into a SQL table. Refer to “Microsoft Dynamics AX to Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) SQL Extract Transform and Load (ETL): article steps 8 d. for data persistence.

You are done. You have SharePoint data in SQL table.

1-     The SharePoint Site is imbedded in the SSIS Package OData Source. If the SharePoint site changes, upgrade, the package must be updated. I like to make the SharePoint URL a variable or table driven. Thereafter, the production DBA can update the URL without software release and system development life cycle. I do not have a fix for this, yet.
2-     The SharePoint Lists have version control, in a way, Slow Changing data information. In my case, the SharePoint Lists are not version controlled. The ETL Package nightly will build the EDW dimension from staging data base using SDC (Slow Changing Dimension) technology. Therefore, I found the SharePoint version control not necessary.
3-     The impact of OData Source to SharePoint is like adding another user to the SharePoint site (minimum). In addition, the ETL Extract is done off work demanding hours.

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) at its finest. Multi-layers, multi-systems, and across technologies interface. RESTful OData great standards.

Happy coding. Toraj 

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Title: Process Tabular CUBE:

Author: Toraj Khavari
Date: Aug. 2, 2017

Objective: The following process outlines how to Process a CUBE in Visual Studio.

Article Body: 1) Select the project Model.bim object. 2) Click anywhere in the Tabular Table. 3) Select Model > Process > Process All.

Monday, February 27, 2017

 Title: Microsoft Dynamics AX Transactional Data ETL to EDW staging:

Author: Toraj Khavari
Date: February 27, 2017
Objective: Outline an incremental Extract Transform and Load (ETL) from Microsoft Dynamics AX Transactional SysDataBaseLog table to Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) Staging Data Base (DB).

Article Body: Our Company’s Sr. Finance Manager has a business requirement to have access to Microsoft Dynamics AX Transactional sales data, beginning 4Q2015. When I started my EDW architecture responsibility, no matter what we did to get the AX Tables, it always missed some transactional information during ETL logic, Cube and Power BI analysis. AX SysDataBaseLog table has a rich set of event driven transactional data. It details every change for a given sales. The SysDataBaseLog is large and ever growing. Therefore, the ETL performance requirements became very important. In addition, the system solution must be fault tolerant to insure accurate data transfer between source and destination. To meet the performance ETL and robustness requirements, I will outline an incremental data ETL pattern with a vital error handling ability.

System Specification: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
SQL Environment: SQL 2012

Top level design pattern: There are four components to the Dynamics AX SysDataBaseLog incremental ETL package. 1) Prepare, 2) ETL, 3) Error Handling, and 4) Cleanup. The following diagram outlines the top level design patterns, pictorially.

Figure 1 – Top level Control Follow Diagram.

  1. Prepare – Create temporary tables to hold record identifications and a place holder for error information, in case needed.
  2. ETL – Get the Dynamics AX data from AX to EDW, incrementally.
  3. Error Handling – Process the errors, if there are any.
  4. Cleanup – Drop the temporary tables.

<Hint> Try to avoid using in memory temporary SQL DB table when there is a potential for large sets of data and table indexes to enhance performance. Create temporary SQL tables and delete them when not needed. It will improve performance.

In Visual Studio (VS) add a Business Intelligence Integrated Service Project. In my case, I followed our naming standard and named the project “Adec.EDW.ETL.Staging”. To setup VS for Business Intelligence Integrated Service Project refer to “Visual Studio and SQL Business Intelligence”. Rename the default SIS Package to “AX_SysDataBaseLog”. Setup three project Connection Managers.

AX_Source – Connection Manager to the Dynamics AX DB.

Remote_ProcessingDatabase - Connection Manager to the Dynamics AX Server DB, where you have Read / Write authority. Same AX Server, different DB.

Staging – The EDW destination DB.

<Hint> - In my case they are all “Native OLE DB\SQL Server Naïve Client 11.0” Connection Managers.

1)      Prepare. In this design Pattern, three SQL temporary physical tables are needed to contain the ETL’s source and destination Record Identifiers, and an Error table for raw data, if needed. Add a Sequence Container “Prepare-ztmp_Tables”. In the Container add three Execute SQL Task tools. They can execute in parallel. Name the Execute SQL Task “Prepare-Local-ztmp”, “Prepare-Remote-ztmp”, and “Prepare-Localztmp-Error”. For reference, refer to “Figure 1 – Top level Control Follow Diagram”.
1.1)           Select the Execute SQL Task “Prepare-Local-ztmp”. Open it for edit. Select Connection “Staging”, AKA, EDW Destination. Copy and paste the following SQL code in the SQL Statement.
--Connection = Staging
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.ztmp_SysDataBaseLog_IDs')IS NOT NULL
                  TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[ztmp_SysDataBaseLog_IDs];
                  CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ztmp_SysDataBaseLog_IDs](
                              [RECID] bigint NULL,
                              [RECVERSION] bigint NULL)
                  ON [PRIMARY];

1.2)           Repeat step 1.1 for “Prepare-Remote-ztmp” Execute SQL Task. With the following setting, connection is “Remote_ProcessingDatabase”, AKA, Source Server with Read and Write authority, in this case AX server. Copy and paste the following SQL code in the SQL Statement.
--Connection = Remote-ProcessDatabase
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.ztmp_SysDataBaseLog_IDs')IS NOT NULL
                  TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].ztmp_SysDataBaseLog_IDs;
                  CREATE TABLE [dbo].ztmp_SysDataBaseLog_IDs(
                              [RECID] bigint NULL);

1.3)           Repeat step 1.1 for “Prepare-Localztmp-Error” Execute SQL Task. With the following setting, connection is “Staging”, AKA, ETL Destination. Copy and paste the following SQL code in the SQL Statement.
--Connection = Staging
                  TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[ztmp_SYSDATABASELOG_Errors];
                  CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ztmp_SYSDATABASELOG_Errors](
                              [USERNAME] [nvarchar](60) NOT NULL,
                              [DESCRIPTION] [nvarchar](60) NOT NULL,
                              [LOGTYPE] [int] NOT NULL,
                              [DATA] [varbinary](max) NULL,
                              [TABLE_] [int] NOT NULL,
                              [LOGRECID] [bigint] NOT NULL,
                              [CREATEDDATETIME] [datetime] NOT NULL,
                              [DEL_CREATEDTIME] [int] NOT NULL,
                              [CREATEDBY] [nvarchar](8) NOT NULL,
                              [CREATEDTRANSACTIONID] [bigint] NOT NULL,
                              [DATAAREAID] [nvarchar](4) NOT NULL,
                              [RECVERSION] [int] NOT NULL,
                              [PARTITION] [bigint] NOT NULL,
                              [RECID] [bigint] NOT NULL,
                              [SEMTABLENAME] [nvarchar](60) NOT NULL);

<Hint> The error temp table has the same columns as the data source table. We will discuss the reason in Error Handling section 3.

Execute the package as it is to create the three tables. Three temp tables will be needed during the next steps.

2.       ETL: In this section, let us build the components to get the Dynamics AX data from AX (Source) to EDW (Staging, Destination), incrementally.
2.1) For reminder, refer to “Figure 1 – Top level Control Follow Diagram”.
2.1)           Add Data Flow Task “Get-AX_Ids” next to “Prepare-ztmp_Tables” container. Connect the container “Prepare-ztmp_Tables” to “Get-AX_Ids”. In the prosperity window set “Delay Validation” to True. Because, at later point when we add the code to drop the temporary tables, the VS indicates erroneous errors. Select “Get-AX_Ids” and “Edit”. In the VS “Data Flow” TAB add an OLE DB Source. Name it “AX-Source”. Edit “AX-Source”. Set “OLE DB connection manager” to “AX-Source”. Set “Data access mode” to “SQL command”. Copy and paste the following code in the “SQL command text”.
--Connection = AX_Source


<Hint> It is always a good practice to “Parse Query”, View “Columns”, and check the “Error Output”.

2.2)           Add a “OLE DB Destination” called “Staging_ztmp-Dest”, connect “AX-Source” and “Staging_ztmp-Dest”.  Select “Staging” for “OLE DB connection manager”, “Table or view – fast load” for “Data access mode”, and “ztmp_SysDataBaseLog_IDs” temp table for “Name of the table or the view”.

2.3)           In the VS Control Flow TAB add “Execute SQL Task” tool after “Get-AX-Ids” and rename it to “Create-Local-Index-ztmp”. Connect the two components. Edit Create-Local-Index-ztmp”. For “Connection” use “Staging”. Copy and paste the following code in “SQL Statement”.
--Connection = Staging
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM [dbo].[sysindexes] WHERE name = 'idx_SysDataBaseLog_RecID')
  DROP INDEX dbo.ztmp_SysDataBaseLog_IDs.idx_SysDataBaseLog_RecID;

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [idx_SysDataBaseLog_RecID] ON [dbo].[ztmp_SysDataBaseLog_IDs]

2.4)           Add “Execute SQL Task” tool after “Create-Local-Index-ztmp” and rename it to “Delete-MissingOrModified”. Connect the two components. Edit “Delete-MissingOrModified”. For “Connection” use “Staging”. Copy and paste the following code in “SQL Statement”.
-- Connection = Staging

DECLARE           @DeleteRecID TABLE(
  [RECID]            bigint    NULL);

FROM    [dbo].[SysDataBaseLog] [s] INNER JOIN [dbo].[ztmp_SysDataBaseLog_IDs] [a]
  ON [s].[RECID] = [a].[RECID]

-- Records that exist in Staging but no longer exist in AX
FROM    [dbo].[SysDataBaseLog]
FROM    [dbo].[ztmp_SysDataBaseLog_IDs];

FROM    [dbo].[SysDataBaseLog]

2.5)           Add a “Data Flow Task” after “Delete-MissingOrModified”. Rename it “Request-NewRecords”. Connect the two components. Edit “Request-NewRecords”.

2.6)           In “Request-NewRecords” Data Flow, add OLE DB Source. Rename it “Staging-Source”. In “OLE DB connection manager” select “Staging”. In “Data access mode” select “SQL command”. Copy and paste the following code in SQL command text.
-- Connection = Staging
FROM    [dbo].[ztmp_SysDataBaseLog_IDs]
FROM    [dbo].[SysDataBaseLog];

2.7)           Add “Remote_ProcessDatabase-Destination” “OLE DB Destination”. Connect “Remote_ProcessDatabase-Destination” and “Staging-Source”. For “OLE DB connection manager” select “Remote_ProcessingDatabase”. In “Data acces mode” select “Table or view – fast load”. The “Name of the table or the view” is “ztmp_SysDataBaseLog_IDs”.

2.8)           In the VS Control Flow TAB add an “Insert-NewRecords” “Data Flow Task” and connect it to “Request-NewRecords”.

Before editing it, let us explore architecture considerations. In the above, prior to section 2.8, we have all the components needed for very accurate incremental data ETL between a data source and destination. The design is extendable, scalable, and flexible. I am applying the pattern for AX “SysDataBaseLog” table and SQL EDW. You can apply the design to any data table. It can be used for different tables, data bases, and information sources.

At this step (2.8), the “Insert-NewRecords” design pattern is bringing the data from AX to EDW Staging. Very critical and most vulnerable production execution runtime thread. In addition, majority of EDW and AX environments are across different platforms with physical distance between them, e.g., private WAN Networks, Internet. Henceforth, the ETL fault tolerance and effective event logging are paramount to a successful design. There are multiple design strategies.  In the following design, I outline a fault tolerant which has proven to be effective with a data trace (datacrumb, like breadcrumb) for the subsequent event logging design pattern (item 3 in this article). Leave enough datacrumb for your production support staff, DBA, and production system Admin to perform root cause analysis. Keep system production support staff happy and save yourself off-hour’s phone calls.

<Hint> The datacrumb information is not lost. The subsequent ETL package execution will get the data from AX to EDW Staging. The datacrumb is used only for production alerts, production support issues’ root cause analysis, and meeting Service Level Agreement (SLA) reports.

Single data source, two attempts to save the data at a different rate, if needed (2nd attempt to save failed) create the datacrumb, and proceed.

Figure 2 – Top level Fault Tolerance ETL from source to destination.

Edit the “Insert-NewRecords”. Add “AX Source” “OLE DB Source” components. Edit “AX Source”. Select “AX_source” for “OLE DB connection manager”, “SQL command” for “Data access mode”, and copy and paste the following code in “SQL commend text”. To limit the data extract, I am brining only what we need.
-- Select log information where the name is "SALESLINE = 359 or
-- SALESTABLE = 366".

  where [TABLE_] in (359, 366) -- It is faster than ‘OR’ logic
  and [RECID] IN     (
                              SELECT            [RECID]
                              FROM  [ADEC_IntegrationSupport].[dbo].[ztmp_SysDataBaseLog_IDs]

2.9)           Add “OLE DB Destination” “Staging Destination Bulk Insert”. Connect “AX Source” and “Staging Destination Bulk Insert”. Edit “Staging Destination Bulk Insert”. Set the Connection Manager parameters as described below, pictorially.

Navigate to mapping and then Error Output dialogs.  Set the “Error” to “Redirect row”.

2.10)       Repeat step 2.9 for “Staging Destination Row by Row Insert”, except set “Data access mode” in “Connection Manager” dialog to “Table or view”.

2.11)       Let us now create the datacrumb. Basically, it is a copy of the rows that could not be saved. I am putting it in the SQL Table. Proved to be very effective. If you desire more fault tolerance, place the datacrumb in a 3rd data destination, e.g., highly available shared Drive, SQL, SharePoint, etc. Does not really matter where the datacrumb is. The Error handling logic will handle its interface.

Add “OLE DB Destination” and name it “Datacrumb Insert”. Set the “Connection Manager” and “Error Output” as outlined in the following pictures.

3)      Error Handling: In VS “Control Flow” tab add an “Error Handling” container and a “Data Flow Task” named “Get-Report-Errors” in the container. Connect the “Insert-NewRecords” and “Error Handling” container.

Edit the “Error Handling”. Before designing the “Error Handling”, let us discuss architecture.

An error handling architecture solution must support the production staff with enough details to perform some system failure analysis. When did the failure happen? What is its severity? Which components were failing? What is the data at the time of failure?

I designed a SQL table to contain production support information. You can extend it, if you wish. Let us look at the table and its components.

            [EventID] [int] NOT NULL,
            [LogName] [varchar](256) NOT NULL,
            [Source] [varchar](256) NOT NULL,
            [LEVEL] [int] NOT NULL,
            [DATA] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
            [CREATEDDATETIME] [datetime] NOT NULL

[Event ID] – A unique Identifier for the Event.
[Log Name] -  A unique name for the Application Source. Usually is the System Solution company name.

[Source] – Application information. In this case the SSIS Package information.

[LEVEL] – Microsoft has a well-defined Windows Event Type. I am reusing the existing integer enumeration. For more details refer to “LogLevel Enumeration”.

Undefined - Value: 0. Indicates logs at all levels.
Critical - Value: 1. Indicates logs for a critical alert.
Error - Value: 2. Indicates logs for an error.
Warning - Value: 3. Indicates logs for a warning.
Information - Value: 4. Indicates logs for an informational message.
Verbose - Value: 5. Indicates logs at all levels.
[DATA] – Serialized raw data. I recommend XML Serialization. It will make data pausing easier for the System Alerts’ tools.
[CREATEDDATETIME] – Event date and time.

3.1)           Add a “Get Error Data OLE DB Source” “OLE DB Source”. Edit it and Set the “Staging” for the ”OLE DB connection manager”. Select “SQL command” for the “Data access mode”. Copy and paste the following code in the “SQL Statement text”.
022017 AS [EventID],
'<Your Company>' AS [LogName],
'<Your application information>' AS [Source],
1 AS [Level],
  FROM [dbo].[ztmp_SYSDATABASELOG_Errors]
  FROM [dbo].[ztmp_SYSDATABASELOG_Errors]

3.2)           Add “Report Error OLE DB Destination” “OLE DB Destination”. Connect “Get Error Data OLE DB Source” to “Report Error OLE DB Destination”. Edit “Report Error OLE DB Destination” and set up its parameter as described below.

4)      Cleanup: In the Figure one is referred to as “Drop-ztmp_TablesAndIndexes” container.
The container has three Execute SQL Task components to drop / delete the temporary tables prior to stop execution.
4.1)           Add “Drop-ztmp_TablesAndIndexes” container. Connect the “Error Handling” to “Drop-ztmp_TablesAndIndexes” container.
4.2)           In the “Drop-ztmp_TablesAndIndexes” add “Drop-Local_ztmp_Objects”. Edit it. Set “Connection” to “Staging”. Copy and paste the following code in the “SQL Statement”.
-- Connection = Staging
IF OBJECT_ID('ztmp_SysDataBaseLog_IDs')IS NOT NULL
  DROP TABLE [dbo].[ztmp_SysDataBaseLog_IDs];

IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM [dbo].[sysindexes] WHERE name = 'idx_SysDataBaseLog_RecID')
  DROP INDEX [dbo].[ztmp_SysDataBaseLog_IDs].[idx_SysDataBaseLog_RecID];


4.3)           In the “Drop-ztmp_TablesAndIndexes” add “Drop-Remote_ztmp_Objects”. Set its “Connection” to “Remote_processingDataBase”. Copy and paste the following code in the “SQL Statement”.
IF OBJECT_ID('ztmp_SysDataBaseLog_IDs')IS NOT NULL
  DROP TABLE [dbo].[ztmp_SysDataBaseLog_IDs];

4.4)           In the “Drop-ztmp_TablesAndIndexes” add “Drop-Local_ztmp_Error”. Set its “Connection” to “Staging”. Copy and paste the following code in the “SQL Statement”.
  DROP TABLE [dbo].[ztmp_SYSDATABASELOG_Errors];

Build the package and test. Design and implementation is complete.

Here are a few hints and lessons learned. Hope you find them helpful.
-          To deploy this package to SQL “Integration Service Catalogs” and setup a SQL Server Agent to execute a Schedule Job refer to “Microsoft Visual Studio, Dynamics AX ETL SSIS Package Deployment, SQL Security Credential, SQL Proxies, and SQL Job implementation”.
-          During design time, the “Prepare-ztmp_Tables” container must have run at minimum once, because you will need the temp tables for the OLE DB Source and Destination components connection.
-          The OLE DB Source and Destination components in VS have no knowledge of the “Prepare-ztmp_Tables” container. Therefore, during unit testing, if you observe VS flawed errors around missing table, adjust the components “Delay Validation” properties to “True”.
-          Why did not I use Windows Standard Event handlers and its cool “Event Viewer”? My DBA prefers SQL Event Log table. It will give the production support staffs more flexibility and agility.
-          SysDataBaseLog is a well-designed Microsoft Pattern. Rightfully to manage its size, the SysDataBaseLog data is in Binary and compact. There are multiple deserialization strategies. Start by referring to “Accessing Dynamics AX Containers from SQL” by Abra Axapta.

My gratitude and thanks to Robert Lefebvre, Steve Moss, and Jen Niesen. Their inputs, dedications, knowledge, and willingness to collaborate are among the best. Robert, Steve, Jen and my experiences brought forth the above architecture and pattern.

I hope the above architecture, design pattern, and codes help you implement fault tolerant, datacrumb, and effective error handling system solutions.

Do what you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life.” Happy designing.

Cheers, Toraj