Monday June 14, 2021
Leadership Development: A case study
Tigard GOLD is a local government organizing and providing leadership development programs. On Saturday June 12, 2021, I had the privilege of being a speaker and member of Panel Discussion. Great experience!
Come along with me in reflecting on the most recent good, takeaway, and lesson learned in leadership. In this article / blog, I will share with you my experience attending the Tigard GOLD, Leadership Skills (good, bad and ugly), and Leaders Development. Used the Bull Mountain Park development and myself, the past CEO and President of Friends Bull Mountain Park (FBMP) experiences as a case study.
I was born in Tehran and grew up in Shiraz and Ardekan, Iran. Moved to USA right after high school. Received my Bachelor and Master in New England, and Oregon Graduate Center for Post Master school. Have more than 3 decades of successful career in Electronic and Computers. Hardware and Software across different industries. An accomplished Information Technology and Computer Engineering Sr. manager, lead and principal engineer across different industries (Information Technology, Information systems, Computer Aided Design (CAD), manufacturing, federal and local governments, insurance, medical, pharmaceutical, dental, computer and electronics).
Flag Day, June 14, 1989, I became US Citizen. In the Flag Day 2021, I have the honor of sharing my USA journey.
Irene (my wife) and I don’t have living children of our own. We are passionate for children, orphans, widows and single parents. Here are a few of our philanthropic endeavors.
- Helped build Orphanage from Ground Up, between 1992 to 2016, Chauglamari India
- Built Orphanage and Widow Wing, between 2016 – 2018, Pakistan and India border
- Lead to build the Tigard 1st nature playground, between 2010-2019
- Currently working with LBCC (Linn- Benton Community College) and Albany Rain Moneymakers. Support the future entrepreneurial and professionals in Engineering, Education and Faith based living. Started 2020.
Irene and I got involved in the Bull Mountain Park development during 2010. Bull Mountain Park land without amenities was publicly opened June 21 2012, by Councilor Dirksen (2012 Mayor). The Park was purchased by funds from the City of Tigard (COT) bond measure 34-181. The bond was restricted to purchasing parks. The COT had very limited resources to develop and maintain parks, once purchased.
Friends of Bull Mountain Park (FBMP) was formed 1Q2011, more than 18 months prior to park purchase. FBMP is a grass roots non-profit volunteer group dedicated to nature, education, health, and developing Bull Mountain Park utilizing Green principles. All funds and projects for park development were raised and managed by the FBMP. FBMP led and completed dozens of projects since June 2012. Chairperson and President Toraj Khavari led FBMP from beginning and resigned 4Q2018 (completed development).
Bull Mountain Park (BMP) is a 10-acre Nature Park located on the East side of Bull Mountain in Tigard Oregon. All Park developments, activities and funds were accomplished, under direction of Toraj Khavari and FBMP’s board.
BMP soft trails start at multiple (6) entrances:
- SW Greenfield
- SW Benchview
- SW Woodshire,
- SW Alpine Crest
- SW Fernridge
Terrace, and
- SW Ridgefield Ln.
For more information, please refer to the following resources.
City Of Tigard -
Facebook® -
FBMP Blog Post:
The BMP design was completed by Lango Hansen – 2015-2016.
The BMP construction was completed by GSE Inc. – 2016-2017.
Volunteers, FBMP, Lango Hansen, GSE, Local Businesses, Local and State Government agencies and a more resources came together to develop the BMP. The Nature Playground structure lumbers are from the Tigard Walnut Street expansion during 2016.
Sunday October 15, 2017, the Bull Mountain Park was Dedicated. Friends Bull Mountain Park, Metro and COT opened the Tigard Nature Play area. Andrew Palau dedicated that Nature Play area under our nations flag, the Tigard first Nature Play Area was opened.
During 4Q2018 all the FBMP’s projects were capitalized to City of Tigard. Projects completed. Taxes were filed. Books were closed. On 1Q2019 the FBMP Inc. was dissolved. Today, the Bull Mountain Park is maintained by City of Tigard, with very active volunteers and community support.
than a park:
Bull Mountain Park development was more than a “Park” philanthropy.
The Park development gave community Purpose through the following roles.
- Engagement
- Responsibility
- Friendships started
- Relationships strengthened
- Like objectives
- Satisfaction and fulfillment
- Equity and trust – inclusions
- Vision and Joy with completion
* Picture was copied from Nick Bailey site.
The volunteers were brought together.
- Old and young
- Multi-generational
- First generation Americans
- Immigrants
- Refugees
- BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, (and) People of Color)
- Business owners - Local and national
- Government employees and administrators
- Students and student clubs
- Ongoing Maintenance by local volunteers
* Picture was copied from MAG University of Rochester
The FBMP during ten years, 2010 – 2019, developed the Bull Mountain Park. One of the best examples I can use for bringing local Tigard citizens, local small and large business owners, volunteers, Local / State and Fed. agencies, together to achieve Tigard’s first Nature Park for children of all ages to enjoy for years to come.
In 2019, Irene and I moved to Albany Oregon and are now involved with local community volunteerism.
and Answers:
The Tigard Gold session challenged me to examine myself and my objectives during preparation to answer the future leaders’ questions.
Question 1 - What’s my advice for Tigard GOLD participants and future leaders in how they can find meaningful projects to get involved with in the community? Where can they learn about opportunities? How can they find projects that meet their interests?
- Go after what is right, good, honorable, and long lasting
- Go after what you are passionate about
- Don’t limit yourself to your present abilities and circumstances
- Look for opportunities that are beneficial to you, your family and close communities. When your community, your family and you are benefiting, everyone will benefit.
- Be visible, be available, go to events, volunteer, know your community and their needs. I consulted the the following sites often.
- Tigard FB group
- Local and state government sites
Question 2 - Getting people engaged and involved is not easy. Talk about two or three of the main challenges and how you attempt to overcome them.
Answer: As community leaders know, accept and honor US Constitution. Focus on the “We the people”. I paraphrase it as, government for the people and people for government. With this knowledge and acceptance come two very solid take aways and responsibilities.
- Know when to be a Train Engine Leader, or Tugboat Leader or Lead From Behind (be a rudder).
- Relationship Relationship … Relationship. Relationship is the only way to establish trust and enable “Hard Talk”.
Pictures were copied from Internet and public sites
Let me explain
- You know the Vision, Mission, have the future path / plan, have the future road well outlined and know, have all the resources and support, have all known risks identified, have contingency plan/s, lead ahead (lead like a Train Engine).
- Come along a common goal or objective to achieve bigger objectives. Put your leadership and resources to work like as a Tugboat / help.
- If the task / objective is huge, as a leader you are learning, or need to rely on a lot of resources and expertise to achieve the vision, lead from behind, be a Rudder leader.
Servant Leaders are leaders with philosophy in which the goal of the leader is to serve. A servant leader shares power, puts the needs of the others first and helps people develop and perform as comprehensively as possible.
These styles of leadership require at minimum a) you know yourself, b) you can study the environment around you accurately, c) be agile and respond / change with short notice and d) be prepared to separate from non-performer resources.
Often, typical leaders’ mistakes are, the leader leads with wrong methods; Train Engine leadership when they should be Tugboat leader. Lead as Rudder when they should be a Tugboat leader (learn and help). Another common mistake, the leaders would not change their style in a timely manner. Good leaders want to know and hear from everyone. However, not everyone is a stakeholder nor always correct. Sometime the best solution is to separate from non-performers and incorrect resources. Leaders often want to have the hard talks. Hard talks without strong relationship lead to disaster (short lived the leader, hurt, perceived insults, etc.). Relationship comes by investing time and exposure. Before asking and leading, invest in human relationship and human trust banks.
Conflicts will come guarantied! Conflicts can be in resources, relationship, funds, $ management, etc. Plan for conflicts and have conflict resolution strategies. If you are dealing with capital funds, contingency budgets are your friends.
Question 3 – What to watch for to see early success and leadership engagements? What do I recommend to new / young leaders?
Answer: To measure your leadership engagement, don’t focus on who are your followers. Watch your audiences, stakeholders and decision makers. Often, ask yourself the following questions.
- Do I have my immediate family support?
- Do I have audiences and platforms?
- Am I listened to when I speak?
- Do I listen enthusiastically?
- Are my stakeholders willing to invest in me, my objectives, and visions?
- Are my vision/s honorable, good, long lasting, realistic and timely?
- Do I need to change my leadership method?
To answer, what do I recommend to new leaders, let me share with you the greatest advice I received and practice.
My education years were during the President Carter administration and at the peak of the America and Iran cold war. Often in the university and town around us were potential unrest around different topics:
- Women liberation - my body my choice
- Homosexual agenda
- Unfair financial distribution in society
- Racism
- Inflation and high prices for fuel/oil and gasoline
- Green movement
- Unemployment - Russia, China and
- Iran Hostage Crisis
Sound familiar! ….
My mentor at school at that time, watching and knowing what was going on, gave me the best guidance over a cup of coffee. I am applying the guidance since then. Successfully, went through Hostage Crisis, Oklahoma Bombing, and 9/11 crisis. The US and Iran cold war continues. Often, Iran and Iranians are at the top of conspiracy list.
Now, more than 4 decades in USA, successful career, 32 years of American citizenship, fruitful philanthropy, you can see the results of my mentor’s advice, He said the following.
If you want to be a “Successful Person”, “Optimistic Warrior” for change … “Rise Above”.
- Do everything with truth, ethic and integrity
- Get higher education and take it as far / high as you can
- Work hard. In fact, outwork everyone around you.
“Friends to the end”