Monday, November 23, 2015

Title: Microsoft Dynamics AX to Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) SQL Extract Transform and Load (ETL) for Multiple Tables:
Author: Toraj Khavari
Date: November 23, 2015

Objective: Multiple DB (Data Base) table ETL, Extracting meaningful data from Microsoft Dynamics AX, Transform the source data, and Loading the data in an Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) are an efficient design. This article will outline a practical solution for multiple tables from source Microsoft Dynamics AX to EDW using SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS). Although the focus is on the Microsoft Dynamics AX tables, the solution described in this article can be applied to any DB ETL. In this article, we refer to “Staging” DB, “ControlIncremental” and “DimAudit” tables, and SSIS packages. To fully follow, understand, and take advantage of this article, refer to “Microsoft Dynamics AX to Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) SQL Extract”.

Article Body: Very seldom single table ETL meets business needs. The high level business requirements to meet, in this case, are as follows.
Ø  ETL multiple tables from Microsoft Dynamics AX to the EDW as fast as possible with minimum impact on the source.
Ø  Perform the multiple ETL with high quality, tractability, and production support.
Ø  The design solution must be simple and scalable. The solution can be applied to other multiple ETL packages. In addition, the existing multiple ETL packages can have additional packages (2 to n packages).
Ø  The ETL for multiple tables must be flexible to meet different refresh periods based on the business needs.
The outlined solution is not the only answer or claim to be the best possible design. It is a solid solution that meets our needs. To meet the above objectives, the solution is in three components.
Ø  Pre-Processing
Ø  Perform the multiple ETL
Ø  Post–Processing

1-      In the Visual Studio (VS) “SSIS Packages” add a “New SSIS Package”. Rename it to “MASTER EXTRACT <Your Business Area> PRODUCTION.dtsx”.
2-      In the “Variable” tab add the following variables outlined in the following picture. They will be used in the subsequent sections.
3-      Pre-Processing: The Pre-Processing, gets and prepares information for the actual multiple ETL tasks. It contains four components.
a.      Pre-Processing - Get Incremental Date Range
b.      Get LastSuccessfulExtractDateTime
c.       Get CurrentExtractDateTime
d.      Get AuditKey

a.      Pre-Processing - Get Incremental Date Range – From the “SSIS Toolbox” add a “Sequence Container”, rename it to “Pre-Processing - Get Incremental Date Range”. Groups its member components into subsystem.

b.      Get LastSuccessfulExtractDateTime - From the “SSIS Toolbox” add an “Execute SQL Task” inside the “Pre-Processing - Get Incremental Date Range”, rename it to “Get LastSuccessfulExtractDateTime”. Edit the “Get LastSuccessfulExtractDateTime”. In the “General” “SQL Statement” field copy and paste the following SQL statements.
SELECT  MAX(ETLLoadDateTime) AS LastSuccessfulExtractDateTime
FROM        ControlIncremental

In the “Result Set” identify “Result Name” 0 and “Variable Name” User::LastSuccessfulExtractDateTime.
c.       Get CurrentExtractDateTime - From the “SSIS Toolbox” add an “Execute SQL Task” inside the “Pre-Processing - Get Incremental Date Range”, rename it to “Get CurrentExtractDateTime”. Connect “Get LastSuccessfulExtractDateTime” and “Get CurrentExtractDateTime”. In the “General” “SQL Statement” field copy and paste the following SQL statements.
SELECT     GETDATE() AS CurrentlExtractDateTime

In the “Result Set” identify “Result Name” 0 and “Variable Name” User::CurrentExtractDateTime.

Very much like section 3b.

d.      Get AuditKey - From the “SSIS Toolbox” add an “Execute SQL Task” outside the “Pre-Processing - Get Incremental Date Range”, rename it to “Get AuditKey”. Connect “Pre-Processing - Get Incremental Date Range” and “Get AuditKey”.  In the “General” “SQL Statement” field copy and paste the following SQL statements.

   --        ,[PkgGUID]
           ,'MASTER EXTRACT <Your Business> PRODUCTION'
    --      ,@PkgGUID

In the “Result Set” identify “Result Name” 0 and “Variable Name” User::AuditKey.

Very much like section 3b and 3c.

4-      Perform the multiple ETL: At this point, we have all the needed key values. We can start the setup to execute the existing ETL SSIS packages. From the “SSIS Toolbox” add an “Execute Package Task” outside the “Pre-Processing - Get Incremental Date Range”, rename it to “ROUTE”. Connect “Get AuditKey” and “ROUTE”. Edit the “ROUTE”.  Select “Package”. In the “Package Name From Project Refrence”, select “ROUTE.dtsx”.

Select the “Parameter bindings” and setup the “CurrentExtractDateTime” and “MasterAuditKey”.
You can repeat the above steps as many times as you want, and create parallel ETL execution.
·         Balancing the ETL execution parallelism may require a few runs. The tables’ size, number of rows, and network load affect the ETL execution run time. During the experimental executions, I recommend performing them off peak hours. It will give you a more realistic run time view.
·         The “SQL command text” in the source “OLE DB Source” for each table ETL can have “Parameters” to provide values for incremental ETL used in “where [MODIFIEDDATETIME] between ? and ?” statement. E.g.  SELECT …. FROM [dbo].[ROUTE] where [MODIFIEDDATETIME] between ? and ?
·         Limit the number of parallelism. At some point, parallelism will cause more issues than just improving performance.

5-      Post–Processing: In the Post-Process, we update the audit information.
a.      Update AuditDim Row - From the “SSIS Toolbox” add an “Execute SQL Task” outside the “Pre-Processing - Get Incremental Date Range”, rename it to “Update AuditDim row”. Connect all the last table ETL branches, in this case 3, and “Update AuditDim row”. Edit the “Update AuditDim row”.  In the “General” “SQL Statement” copy and paste the following SQL statements.
UPDATE [DimAudit]
WHERE AuditKey = ?--@AuditKey;
Select the “Parameter Mapping” and setup the “User::AuditKey”.
b.      Update Control Table. From the “SSIS Toolbox” add an “Execute SQL Task” outside the “Pre-Processing - Get Incremental Date Range”, rename it to “Update Control Table”. Connect “Update AuditDim row” and “Update Control Table”. Edit the “Update Control Table”.  In the “General” “SQL Statement” copy and paste the following SQL statements.
update [dbo].[ControlIncremental]
  set ETLLoadDateTime=?, PriorETLLoadDateTime=?
  where SourceTableName=?
Select the “Parameter Mapping” and setup the “User::CurrentExtractDateTime”, “User::TableName” and “User::LastSuccessfulExtractDateTime”.
You are done.  Build the solution and test your Master ETL.

Master ETL SSIS packages are powerful design methods to logically group tables ETL. Each Master ETL SSIS can run on different planned schedules to meet the business needs. Some tables require daily refresh. While others may require more frequent refresh cycles, e.g., 3-4 times a day, every hour, etc.

My spacial thanks to Steve Moss and his involvement in this project.

Happy coding.
Cheers, Toraj

-          Microsoft Dynamics AX to Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) SQL Extract Transform and Load (ETL) –
-          Sequence Container -

Title: Microsoft Dynamics AX to Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) SQL Extract Transform and Load (ETL):
Author: Toraj Khavari
Date: November 23, 2015

Objective: ETL, Extracting meaningful data from Microsoft Dynamics AX, applying minimum series of rules to Transform the source data, and Loading the data in an Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW), as fast as possible are among the primary first steps for an effective and successful Business Intelligent (BI) solution collection. This article will outline a practical Microsoft Dynamics AX to EDW SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) ETL.

Article Body:
There are multiple design patterns and architecture strategies to achieve ETL between AX and EDW SQL environments. The design and architecture methods outlined in this article by no means claim to be the best or only way. It is a practical design which meets basic ETL requirements.

In our case, the high level business requirements for the ETL between AX and EDW SQL are as follows.
  • Must be as fast as possible with minimum impact on the source
  • Shall have high quality and tractable
  • Must support EDW truncate and incremental load tables
  • Support scalability and easy maintenance

To meet the above requirements the solution collection are as follows.
1)      Navigate to the SQL Server, start the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, and create a new SQL Database (DB) called “Staging”.

2)      In the “Staging” DB insert a “ControlIncremental” table. The “ControlIncremental” keeps track of the source tables ETL names. It contains when the last ETL loaded and prior load were performed. Will be a great source for incremental loads and audit. Insert sample code as follows.

USE [Staging]    -- Identify the DB

INSERT INTO [dbo].[ControlIncremental]      -- Identify the table
           ([ETLLoadDateTime]                                       -- ETL load data and time, default can be 1900-01-01 00:00:00.0000000
           ,[SourceTableName]                         -- Source table name
           ,[PriorETLLoadDateTime])                   -- The prior date and time stamp, default can be 1900-01-01 00:00:00.0000000
           (<ETLLoadDateTime, datetime2(7),>
           ,<SourceTableName, varchar(100),>
           ,<PriorETLLoadDateTime, datetime2(7),>)

·         When adding new tables for ETL, insert a new row in the “ControlIncremental” Sample code as follows.
insert into [Staging].[dbo].[ControlIncremental] values ('1900-01-01 00:00:00.0000000', '<Your New ETL Table>', null)
·         If you would like to truncate and load the Staging table, change the “ControlIncremental” “ETLLoadDateTime” column to default date.
UPDATE [Staging].[dbo].[ControlIncremental]
 set [ETLLoadDateTime]='1900-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' where [SourceTableName]='<Your New ETL Table>'
·         You can create the table with the following code, too. It is a bit easier.
USE [Staging]

/****** Object:  Table [dbo].[ControlIncremental]    Script Date: 11/23/2015 8:06:56 AM ******/



CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ControlIncremental](
      [ETLLoadDateTime] [datetime2](7) NULL,
      [SourceTableName] [varchar](100) NULL,
      [PriorETLLoadDateTime] [datetime2](7) NULL



3)      An audit table will be paramount to production support, route cause analysis, and auditing. Designing audit tables is dependent on the business needs, environments, and experience. The following audit table seems to be meeting our needs at the present time. In the “Staging” DB insert a “DimAudit” table.

USE [Staging]    -- Identify the DB

INSERT INTO [dbo].[DimAudit]   -- Identify the table
           ([ParentAuditKey]                  -- Unique parent audit key to identify a task's parent
                                                         --   if appropriate, otherwise 0
           ,[TableName]                         -- DB table name
           ,[PkgName]                            -- Package name - mostly SQl SAS package
           ,[PkgGUID]                             -- Package unique GUID identifier
           ,[PkgVersionGUID]                 -- Package version unique GUID identifier
           ,[PkgVersionMajor]                -- Package version major identifier
           ,[PkgVersionMinor]                -- Package version minor identifier
           ,[ExecStartDT]                        -- Execution start date and time stamp
           ,[ExecStopDT]                         -- Execution stop date and time stamp
           ,[ExecutionInstanceGUID]      -- Execution instance unique GUID identifier
           ,[ExtractRowCnt]                     -- Execution row count
           ,[InsertRowCnt]                       -- Insert row count
           ,[UpdateRowCnt]                    -- Update row count
           ,[ErrorRowCnt]                        -- Error row count
           ,[TableInitialRowCnt]              -- Table initial row count
           ,[TableFinalRowCnt]               -- Table final row count
           ,[TableMaxSurrogateKey]      -- Table maximum surrogate key. A surrogate key in a
                                                           --  database is a unique identifier for either an
                                                           --  entity or an object.
           ,[SuccessfulProcessingInd]        -- This and the following columns contain 'Y'
            [DummyProductKeyAdded]       --  or 'N'. They indicate successful flag 'Y'.
           (<ParentAuditKey, int,>
           ,<TableName, nvarchar(50),>
           ,<PkgName, nvarchar(50),>
           ,<PkgGUID, uniqueidentifier,>
           ,<PkgVersionGUID, uniqueidentifier,>
           ,<PkgVersionMajor, smallint,>
           ,<PkgVersionMinor, smallint,>
           ,<ExecStartDT, datetime,>
           ,<ExecStopDT, datetime,>
           ,<ExecutionInstanceGUID, uniqueidentifier,>
           ,<ExtractRowCnt, bigint,>
           ,<InsertRowCnt, bigint,>
           ,<UpdateRowCnt, bigint,>
           ,<ErrorRowCnt, bigint,>
           ,<TableInitialRowCnt, bigint,>
           ,<TableFinalRowCnt, bigint,>
           ,<TableMaxSurrogateKey, bigint,>
           ,<SuccessfulProcessingInd, nchar(1),>
           ,<DummyProductKeyAdded, char(1),>
           ,<DummyCustomerKeyAdded, char(1),>
           ,<DummyLOBKeyAdded, char(1),>
           ,<DummyGlobalSalesKeyAdded, char(1),>
           ,<DummySalesChannelKeyAdded, char(1),>)

Add the Primary Key “AuditKey” to “DimAudit” table. It is a unique audit key to identify a task

Identify the “ParentAuditKey” as a foreign key in the “DimAudit” table.
ALTER TABLE [Staging].[dbo].[DimAudit] add FOREIGN KEY (ParentAuditKey)

·         Versioning code and assemblies will be a great help to track what version of software is running at a given time in a specific environment. The “How to Version Solution Assemblies and why should we do them” article is a good reference.
·         You can create the table with the following code, too. It is a bit easier.
USE [Staging]

/****** Object:  Table [dbo].[DimAudit ******/



CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimAudit](
      [AuditKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
      [ParentAuditKey] [int] NOT NULL,
      [TableName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
      [PkgName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
      [PkgGUID] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
      [PkgVersionGUID] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
      [PkgVersionMajor] [smallint] NULL,
      [PkgVersionMinor] [smallint] NULL,
      [ExecStartDT] [datetime] NOT NULL,
      [ExecStopDT] [datetime] NULL,
      [ExecutionInstanceGUID] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
      [ExtractRowCnt] [bigint] NULL,
      [InsertRowCnt] [bigint] NULL,
      [UpdateRowCnt] [bigint] NULL,
      [ErrorRowCnt] [bigint] NULL,
      [TableInitialRowCnt] [bigint] NULL,
      [TableFinalRowCnt] [bigint] NULL,
      [TableMaxSurrogateKey] [bigint] NULL,
      [SuccessfulProcessingInd] [nchar](1) NOT NULL,
      [DummyProductKeyAdded] [char](1) NOT NULL,
      [DummyCustomerKeyAdded] [char](1) NOT NULL,
      [DummyLOBKeyAdded] [char](1) NOT NULL,
      [DummyGlobalSalesKeyAdded] [char](1) NOT NULL,
      [DummySalesChannelKeyAdded] [char](1) NOT NULL,
      [AuditKey] ASC



ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimAudit] ADD  DEFAULT ('Unknown') FOR [TableName]

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimAudit] ADD  DEFAULT ('Unknown') FOR [PkgName]

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimAudit] ADD  DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [ExecStartDT]

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimAudit] ADD  DEFAULT ('N') FOR [SuccessfulProcessingInd]

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimAudit] ADD  DEFAULT ('N') FOR [DummyProductKeyAdded]

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimAudit] ADD  DEFAULT ('N') FOR [DummyCustomerKeyAdded]

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimAudit] ADD  DEFAULT ('N') FOR [DummyLOBKeyAdded]

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimAudit] ADD  DEFAULT ('N') FOR [DummyGlobalSalesKeyAdded]

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimAudit] ADD  DEFAULT ('N') FOR [DummySalesChannelKeyAdded]

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimAudit]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo_DimAudit_ParentAuditKey] FOREIGN KEY([ParentAuditKey])
REFERENCES [dbo].[DimAudit] ([AuditKey])

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimAudit] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo_DimAudit_ParentAuditKey]

4)      The “ControlIncremental” and “DimAudit” are fundamental ETL tracking and audit tables. After the above steps, SQL packages are needed to ETL tables. Microsoft Visual Studio (VS) has powerful Business Intelligence (BI) tools. You can configure the Microsoft Visual Studio and SQL BI project by following the “Visual Studio and SQL Business Intelligence” article.

5)      In the VS create a BI Integration Services project, in my case, is called “EDWSSIS_Extract”. The default “Connections Managers” and “SSIS Packages” will help to organize the components. In the “Connections Managers” add “New Connection Manager” and test their connections. E.g., “EDWStaging.conmgr” and “AXSourceDB.conmgr”.
6)      In the VS “SSIS Packages” add a new SSIS Package. In our case let us build a “BOM.dtsx”. To build the “BOM” package (ETL from AX to Staging)), let us break it to three sections.
a.      Prepare for table extraction - Pre Extract from Trxn System
b.      Perform the table extract - Extract from Trxn System
c.       Validate the quality of the table extraction - Post Extract from Trxn System.
In the prior sections, “ControlIncremental” and “DimAudit” tables were outlined. In the VS Variables window add the following variables to the “BOM.dtsx”. They will be used in the subsequent sections.
·         If you do not see the VS’s Variables window, navigate to the VS’s Toolbar > View > Other Windows > Select Variables.

7)      Prepare for table extraction - Pre Extract from Trxn System. Prepare for the extraction to achieve the following goals which we will explore in detail.
a.      Set incremental time
b.      Get the last successful execution date and time
c.       Get the prior row count
d.      Truncate the staging table and
e.      Get the Audit Key.
The following diagram describes the above components for the “BOM” table ETL, pictorially.

a.      Set incremental time. From the VS’s SSIS Toolbox add an “Expression Task”. Modify its Name to “Set Incremental To Time” in the property window. I) Edit the “Set Incremental To Time” 2) Open the “Variables and Parameters” 3) Add the “@[User::IncrementalToTime]=getdate()” Expression, 4) Select “Evaluate the Expression”, and 5) Select “Ok”.
b.      Get the last successful execution date and time. From the VS’s SSIS Toolbox add “Execute SQL Task”. Rename it to “Get LastSuccessfulExtractDateTime”. Connect “Set Incremental To Time” and “Get LastSuccessfulExtractDateTime”. 1) Edit the “Get LastSuccessfulExtractDateTime”. 2) In the “General” tab, “SQL Statement”, select the “…’, and copy / paste the following statements. Select “OK” two times.
SELECT  MAX(ETLLoadDateTime) AS LastSuccessfulExtractDateTime
FROM        ControlIncremental
WHERE  SourceTableName =  'BOM'
Select “Result Set” and add the “User::IncrementalFromTime” to “Variable Name”.
c.       Get the prior row count. From the VS’s SSIS Toolbox add “Execute SQL Task”. Rename it to “Prior RowCnt”. Follow the previous steps. This time copy / paste the following statement.

Select “Result Set” and add the “User::RowCount” to “Variable Name”.

d.      Truncate the staging table. From the VS’s SSIS Toolbox add “Execute SQL Task”. Rename it to “Truncate Staging”. Follow the previous steps. This time copy / paste the following statement.

There are no “Result Set” in this case.

e.      Get the Audit Key. From the VS’s SSIS Toolbox add “Execute SQL Task”. Rename it to “Get AuditKey”. Follow the previous steps. This time copy / paste the following statement.
           (? ,'BOM' ,?  ,getdate()--@StartTime,NULL,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,? ,NULL ,NULL ,'N')


Select “Result Set” and add the “User::AuditKey” to “Variable Name”.

8)      Perform the table extract - Extract from Trxn System. From the VS’s SSIS Toolbox add “Data Flow Task”. Rename it to “Extract from Trxn System”. Connect “Get AuditKey” to “Extract from Trxn System”. Edit the “Extract from Trxn System”. Henceforth, “Data Flow” tab will be the design canvas for this section. The objective is to extract the data as fast as possible. If failed try it one more time a bit slower and more methodical, and finally if needed log errors. The following workflow attains the objectives which we will explore, individually.
a.      AX Source Table connection and identification
b.      RC_Xtrct, Row Count Extract
c.       Derived Column
d.      Staging Bulk Table Insert
e.      Staging Row by Row Insert
f.        RC_Error, Row Count Error
g.       Staging Error Table Insert
The following diagram describes the above components for the “BOM” table ETL, pictorially.
a.      AX Source Table connection and identification. Add an “OLE DB Source” from SSIS Toolbox to the Data Flow canvas, and rename it to “AX Source Table”. Edit the “AX Source Table” 1) Select “Connection Manager” 2) For the “OLE DB connection manager:” select “AXSourceDB”, 3) In the “Data access mode:” select “SQL command” and 4) Copy / paste the following code in the “SQL command text:” The complete “SELECT” statement can be generated from the source data base by selecting the “BOM” table and viewing the 1st 1000 rows.
  FROM [dbo].[BOM]

5) Select the “Columns’. Validate all the “External Column” rows are mapped to “Output Column” rows, accurately.

Select “Error Output”.  Validate the “Error” column is set to “Fail component”. Select “Fail component” for the “Set this value to selected cells” field.

·         I encourage you to use table’s column names in the “SQL command text:” field. Column specification will assist debugging and production support. Data source column deprecations and changes will be detected during early stages of ETL.

b.      RC_Xtrct, Row Count Extract. Add a “Row Count” from SSIS Toolbox to the Data Flow canvas. Rename it to “RC_Xtrct”. Connect “AX Source Table” and “RC_Xtrct”. Edit the “RC_Xtrct” and select “User:RC_Xtrcat” for the “Variable”.
c.       Derived Column. Add a “Derived Column” from SSIS Toolbox to the Data Flow canvas. Edit the “Derived Column” and construct the “MasterAuditKey”, “ETLCreateDateTime”, and “PackageAuditKey” in the “Derived Column Name” column. The following picture describe the “Derived Column”, “Expression” and “Data Type”, pictorially.

Select the “Configure Error Output” button. Select “Full component” for the “Set this value to selected cells:” field. Validate the “Input or Output”, “Column”, “Error”, and “Description” values.
At this point, we have identified the source table, keep track of the row counts, and three derived columns.

d.      Staging Bulk Table Insert. Get the information as soon as possible from the source to destination. Add an “OLE DB Destination” from “SSIS Toolbox” to the “Data Flow” canvas. Rename it to “Staging Bulk Table Insert”. Connect the “Derived Column Name” to “Staging Bulk Table Insert”.  Edit the “Staging Bulk Table Insert”. 1) Select “Connection Manager”. 2) In the “OLE DB connection manager:” select “EDWStaging”. “EDWStaging” is the destination DB. 3) For the “Data access mode:” select “Table or view – Fast load”. 4) In the “Name of the table of the view:” select the “BOM” table. 5) Check the “Table lock”. 6) Check the “Check constrains:”. 7) Set the “Row per batch:” to a reasonable large number. In this case 10,000 is reasonable. 8) Set the “Maximum insert column size:” to a reasonable number. “Row per batch:” and “Maximum insert column size:” can be different. 9) Select the “Mappings”. Make sure all the rows are mapped, correctly.
Select the Error Output. 1) Confirm the “Error” is set to “Redirect row”. 2) Select “Fail component” for “Set this value to selected cells:” field. The selection enables error handling which we will cover in the next steps.
e.      Staging Row by Row Insert. If the step 8d, “Staging Bulk Table Insert”, fails. We will try once more to ETL the information one row at a time. This step is slower. In addition, it will show data integrity issues, if any. Repeat step 8d, except, 1) Rename the “OLE DB Destination” to “Staging Row by Row Insert”, and 2) set the “Data access mode:” to “Table or view” value.
f.        RC_Error, Row Count Error. Repeat section 8b, “RC_Xtrct, Row Count Extract”. This time select “RC_Error” for “Variable”.
g.       Staging Error Table Insert. By now we have tried in two steps to ETL the data. At this point, we need to log an issue, and stop. Repeat step 8e, “Staging Row by Row Insert”. Rename the “OLE DB Destination” to “Staging Error Table Insert”. Select a new table for “Name of the table or the view:” called “BOMError”.
The “Error” value in this case is “Ignore Failure”.
In the SQL Server Management Studio examine the “BOMError” table. It is “BOM” table with a few added column for error reporting.

9)      Validate the quality of the table extraction - Post Extract from Trxn System. In this section we examine the quality of the ETL. It contains 5 components.
a.      Post RowCnt. Get the total row counts. Add “Execute SQL Task” from SSIS Toolbox to the “Control Flow” design canvas. Rename it to “Post RowCnt“. Connect the “Extract from Trxn System” and “Post RowCnt”. Edit the “Post RowCnt”. In the “General” tab, “SQL Statement” copy and paste the following SQL statement.
Select “Result Set”, add a “Result Name” “0” and “Variable Name” ”User::ProdCount”.
Select the “Expressions” and validate the “Expression” to be as follows.
"SELECT COUNT(*) AS RowCnt FROM "+ @TableName
b.      Add a “Script Task” from “SSIS Toolbox”. Rename it to “DQ Continue” and connect it to “Post RowCnt”. 1) In the “Script” “ReadOnlyVariables” select the following variables.

2) In the “ReadWriteVariables” select the following item.
Select the “Edit Script…” button. There must be a code supporting the “DQ Continue” functions.
In VS create a VB project “VstaProjects”. Add “ScriptMain.vb” class. Copy and past the following code in the class.
' Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Script Task
' Write scripts using Microsoft Visual Basic
' The ScriptMain class is the entry point of the Script Task.

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

<Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask.SSISScriptTaskEntryPointAttribute> _
<System.CLSCompliantAttribute(False)> _
Partial Public Class ScriptMain
      Inherits Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask.VSTARTScriptObjectModelBase

      Enum ScriptResults
                  Success = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Success
                  Failure = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Failure
      End Enum

    Public Sub Main()
        ' This is so simple. We could have put the logic in the precedence constraint
        ' itself, using the SSIS expression language. But it's nicer to do it here.
        Dim ProdCount As Integer = CType(Dts.Variables("ProdCount").Value, Integer)
        Dim ProdLowLimit As Integer = CType(Dts.Variables("ProdLowLimit").Value, Integer)
        Dim RC_Xtrct As Integer = CType(Dts.Variables("RC_Xtrct").Value, Integer)
        Dim XtrctLowLimit As Integer = CType(Dts.Variables("XtrctLowLimit").Value, Integer)
        Dim RowCount As Integer = CType(Dts.Variables("RowCount").Value, Integer)

        '        If ProdCount > ProdLowLimit AndAlso RC_Xtrct > XtrctLowLimit Then
        If ProdCount = RowCount Then

            Dts.Variables("bXtrctOK").Value = True
            'MsgBox(CType(Dts.Variables("ProductDCnt").Value, Integer))
        End If

        Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
    End Sub

End Class

c.       Add a “Execute SQL Task” from “SSIS Toolbox”. Rename it to “Update Control Table”. Connect the “DQ Continue” and “Update Control Table”. In the “General” “SQL Statement” add the following SQL statements.
update [dbo].[ControlIncremental]
  set ETLLoadDateTime=?
  where SourceTableName=?
In the “Parameter Mapping” map the “User::IncrementalToTime” and “” as follows “User::TableName”. Set the “Parameter Size” to -1.
In this case there are no “Result Set”.

d.      Add an “Execute SQL Task” and rename it to “Update AuditDim row”. Connect “Update Control Table” and “Update AuditDim row”. Edit the “Update AuditDim row”. In the “General” “SQL Statement” copy and paste the following SQL statements.
UPDATE [DimAudit]
SET ExecStopDT = getdate()
,TableFinalRowCnt = ?
,ErrorRowCnt = ?
, ExtractRowCnt =?
WHERE AuditKey = ?

In the “Parameter Mapping” map the variables described below.
In this case there are no “Result Set”.

e.      “BAD”, the script has thrown exception will be discussed in the following section.

10) Exception handling. The package has thrown exception. Exception handling can be as simple or as elaborate you would like. In this case, there are three components.
a.      Update AudiDim row (fail)
b.      Notify Operator
c.       Fail Package!
a.      Update AuditDim row (fail).  Add an “Execute SQL Task” from “SSIS Toolbox” to the “Control Flow” design canvas. Rename it to “Update AuditDim row (fail)”. Connect “DQ Continue” and “Update AuditDim row (fail)”. In the “General” tab “SQL Statement” copy and paste the following SQL code.
UPDATE [dbo].[DimAudit]
 , ExtractRowCnt = @RC_Xtrct
 ,TableFinalRowCnt = @RowCount
 ,ErrorRowCnt = @RC_Error
WHERE AuditKey = @AuditKey
Select “Parameter Mapping” and map the “User::RowCount”, “User::RC_Error”, “User::AuditKey”, and “User::RC_Xtrct”.
In this case there are no “Result Set”.

b.      Notify Operator. Add a “Send Mail Task” from “SSIS Toolbox” to the to the “Control Flow” design canvas. Rename it to “Notify Operator”. Connect “Update AuditDim row (fail)” and “Notify Operator”.  Complete the “General” and “Mail” tabs.
c.       Fail Package! Add a “Script Task” from “SSIS Toolbox” to the to the “Control Flow” design canvas. Rename it to “Fail Package!”. Connect “Notify Operator” and “Fail Package!”. Custom Basic and C# application can be executed from here.
You package is ready. Build your solution and test it form VS.

·         There is a good amount of work to create a quality SSIS ETL package. However, if you design it once, thereafter, copy the package for the subsequent ETL packages. A few object rename, variable changes, and schema enhancements, will get you a new ETL package.
·         After copying a package to use for another table ETL, first modify the “Variable” > “Table Name”. It will assist the subsequent steps, significantly.

My spacial thanks to Steve Moss and his involvement in this project. 

This was a long wiki article and covered a lot of material. Enjoy coding and have fun with SQL.
Cheers, Toraj


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